Never-Ending Nights
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NEN Charter

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NEN Charter Empty NEN Charter

Post by Admin Fri Jul 08, 2011 3:00 am

Never Ending Nights
Chronicle Charter
Written by
Mel Lee
Written May 14 2012

1. Statement
2. Staff Positions and Duties
3. Voting Procedures
4. Discipline Procedures
5. Locations of Play
6. Experience Guidelines
7. Chronicle Member Characters
8. Revisions to the Charter

1.0 Charter Statement

1.0 The goal of the Never Ending Nights staff is to provide the framework for each player to tell their PC’s story in the Vampire: The Masquerade genre. This is to be done by creating the local world meta-plot for the players to interact with, as well as incorporating global and regional plot created by One World by Night (OWbN) Coordinators and other OWbN chronicles. The staff will provide the players with a site to gather and play at, as well as running online scenes and monitoring interactions with OWbN coordinator office staff. The staff will aid players with questions concerning the chronicle and genre as needed, without directly controlling the actions of the Players. The staff will monitor game play to ensure a fair game play environment will be created, and will be prepared to enforce the disciplinary procedure to ensure fair game play. As Vampire: The Masquerade is a mature themed game, we restrict the games age to players eighteen (18) years of age and above.

2.0 Staff Positions and Duties
2.0 The staff positions in Never Ending Nights are as follows;
• Head Storyteller (HST)
• Storyteller (ST)
• Council Member (CM)
• Administrative Staff (AS)
• Player Representative (Player Rep)
• Narrator
The HST and ST(s) can be collectively referred to as the Storyteller staff.

2.1 Duties of the HST
The HST is chosen by the players when the current HST steps down, or when a successful vote of no confidence is cast by the players. The duties of the HST are as follows;
• Appoint the positions of ST, CM, AS, Player Rep, and Narrator
• Responsible for overseeing the character database.
• Verify with the PC database that all character sheets are correct.
• Maintain a physical site location for chronicle use.
• Maintain the account books on the chronicle’s funds for site fees and needed purchases.
• Interact and work with OWbN Coordinators and other OWbN Storytellers.
• Writing and revising the Chronicle Charter and House Rules.
• Work with the other ST(s) on any needed revisions to the Chronicle Charter or House Rules.
• Monitor the clans assigned to them, and help those clans players develop plot for their PCs.
• Develop and maintain the meta-plot of the chronicle and make sure that the storyteller staff plots work within the meta-plots framework.
• Adjudicate scenes where any PC death will occur.
• Monitor experience expenditures of the Never Ending Nights players.
• Monitor the influence actions of the players, and apply the effects to the plot of the chronicle. In some cases this duty can be assigned to one of the storyteller staff in particular.

2.2 Duties of the ST(s)
The St(s) are appointed by the HST. The duties of the ST(s) are as follows;
• Responsible for overseeing the character database.
• Verify with the PC database that all character sheets are correct.
• Maintain a physical site location for chronicle use.
• Maintain the account books on the chronicle’s funds for site fees and needed purchases.
• Interact and work with OWbN Coordinators and other OWbN Storytellers.
• Work with the HST and other ST(s) on any needed revisions to the chronicle charter or house rules.
• Monitor the clans assigned to them, and help those clans players develop plot for their PCs.
• Develop local plots for the chronicle as a whole in the framework of the meta-plot.
• Adjudicate scenes where any PC death will occur.
• Monitor experience expenditures of the Never Ending Nights players.
• Monitor the influence actions of the players, and apply the effects to the plot of the game. In some cases this duty can be assigned to one of the storyteller staff in particular.

2.3 Duties of the Council Member
The Council Member (CM) is appointed by the HST. The CM can be a HST, ST, or Narrator. The duty of the CM is as follows;
• The CM will keep the chronicle up to date on what is happening in regards to discussions concerning changes OWbN genre rulings that are on council. They will speak with both the storyteller staff and player base on a bi-weekly basis.
• When voting on plot sensitive votes for OWbN, they will confer with the storyteller staff as to what is up for vote, and how the chronicle should vote.
• When voting for OWbN coordinator positions, or new chronicles, they will gather the information on those who are running/status of the new chronicles and present it to the chronicle.
• They are responsible for making the monthly status reports to the OWbN Archivist.
• They are to present to council R&U propositions for the any players in the chronicle, after conferring with the storyteller staff.

2.4 Duty of the Administrative Staff
The Administrative Staff (AS) is appointed by the HST. The AS can be a HST, ST, or Narrator. The duties of the AS are as follows;
• Keeping a record of game attendance by chronicle players and visiting players.
• Taking money for site fees, and helping with the sign in process.
• Balancing character sheets at the request of chronicle players.

2.5 Duty of the Player Representative
The Player Representative (Player Rep) is appointed by the HST. The Player Rep will be chosen from amongst the eligible voting player base of the chronicle. The duties of the Player Rep are as follows;
• Approach members of the storyteller staff, when players feel they cannot approach one of the storyteller staff, to discuss an issue a player may have with a member of the storyteller staff.
• Keep the storyteller staff informed about the general feeling of the chronicle’s players.
• Direct the player on which member of the chronicle’s storyteller staff they should see concerning a question they might have concerning that aspect of the chronicle.
• Count the ballots to determine the outcome of chronicle votes.

2.6 Duty of the Narrator
The Narrator is appointed by the HST. The Narrator will be chosen from amongst the eligible voting player base of the chronicle. The duties of the Narrator are as follows;
• Adjudicate challenges that do not directly affect plots or involve PC death, when a member of the storyteller staff is not available.

3.0 Voting Procedures
3.0 Never Ending Nights allows its players a voice in how the chronicle is to be run. This section covers who is eligible to vote in the chronicle, what topics the chronicle can vote on, and the system used to determine the results.

3.1 Eligible voting chronicle members
To be able to vote in an election for Never Ending Nights, you must meet the following criteria;
• Be a player based in Never Ending Nights, that has been playing a PC ninety (90) days prior to the day of vote, and who has attended at least two (2) games in that ninety (90)day period before the day of vote.
• Be a member of the chronicle‘s storyteller staff, and or council member.
• Be a former member of the chronicle‘s storyteller staff for a period of more than ninety (90) days prior to the day of vote, and have been an active member of the storyteller staff at two (2) games before the day of vote.

3.2 Voting policy on HST Retention
When the HST has served in the position for one (1) year, the eligible voting chronicle members will be given a choice as to retaining the current HST or chose a new HST will be. Two games prior to one (1) year, the Player Rep will approach the chronicle and announce that the HST retention vote will be taking place. After the announcement, any of the eligible voting chronicle members who would like to run for HST have till the next game to make their declaration of intent.
At the second game after the announcement, the players will vote either of those who are running for HST. The vote will be a secret ballot counted by the Player Rep. Eligible voting chronicle members who cannot attend the game at which the vote takes place, can login and vote anonymously on the website. Whichever one of the individuals has the greatest number of votes will be the chronicle’s choice as HST.

3.3 Voting policy on an HST stepping down.
When the HST decides to step down from the position, the eligible voting chronicle members will be given a choice as to who the new HST will be. Two games prior to stepping down, the HST will approach the chronicle and announce his resignation. After the announcement, any of the eligible voting chronicle members who would like to run for HST have till the next game to make their declaration of intent.
At the next game the players will vote either of those who are running for HST. The vote will be a secret ballot counted by the Player Rep. Eligible voting chronicle members who cannot attend the game at which the vote takes place, can login and vote anonymously on the website. Whichever one of the individuals has the greatest number of votes will be the chronicle’s choice as HST.

3.4 Voting policy on calling a vote of No Confidence
If the chronicle decides that the current HST is not fulfilling their duties properly, the eligible voting chronicle members can call for a vote of No Confidence. When they players ask for the vote, the Player Rep will announce the request before the next game and will monitor the votes. At the next game, the eligible voting chronicle members will vote in a secret ballot for a vote of No Confidence. Eligible voting chronicle members who cannot attend the game at which the vote takes place, can login and vote anonymously on the website.
If the vote of No Confidence passes by a simple majority of the eligible voting chronicle members (by votes totaling 51% or greater for its passing), another vote is immediately called to remove the HST. This vote is also counted by the Player Rep and will take place at the next game date. If the total of the votes to remove the HST is a 3/4ths majority (75% or more of the eligible voting chronicle members) in favor of removal, the HST must step down. If the vote to remove fails to gain a 3/4ths majority, it fails and the HST cannot be put up for a vote of No Confidence for six (6) months.
If the HST is removed, the chronicle staff, save for the Player Rep, is take over in the duties of HST. At the next game date, the eligible voting chronicle members will vote either of those who want to run for HST. The vote will be a secret ballot counted by the Player Rep. Eligible voting chronicle members who cannot attend the game at which the vote takes place, can login and vote anonymously on the website. Whichever one of the individuals has the greatest number of votes will be the chronicle’s choice as HST. The new HST is then free to fill the staff positions as they see fit.

4. Discipline Procedures
4.0 The following policies encompass the conduct that is expected from both the chronicles players and staff. While some of these are a common sense in some respects, they are presented here so that there is a clear record of what the listed infractions and punishments are. These topics cover broad swaths of areas. If they need to be further clarified, they will be added in further revisions.

4.1 Levels of punishment
As there can be varying degrees of severity of the offenses, there are varying degrees of punishment. All but one of the following punishments applies to the chronicle level only, whether they are a member or not. An OWbN strike will apply org wide. Due to the severity of some infractions, a chronicle member or visitor may directly be given a higher level of punishment. The punishments are given by the storyteller staff after a discussion on the matter. The punishments are as follows;
• Warning: This level of punishment serves as it says a warning that the player or storyteller is coming close to gaining a more severe form of punishment.

• Censure: This level of punishment is to acknowledge that the player has committed a minor offence. These only last for one (1) month (30 days). During this period, the chronicle member is not allowed to vote.
Visitors receiving a censure will be asked not to return for the span of one game session.

If a chronicle member or visitor acquires three (3) or more Censures before their one month period is complete for the first one, they will receive the next level of punishment.

• Probation: This level of punishment is to acknowledge that the player has committed a major offence, or several minor offences. These only last for three (3) months (90 days). During this period, the chronicle member is not allowed to vote. The night the Probation is announced, or following game if during the down time between games, the chronicle member will not receive experience for the evening.

Visitors receiving Probation will be asked not to return for the span of three (3) months (90 days).

If a chronicle member or visitor acquires three (3) or more Censures before their three (3) month period is complete for the first one, they will receive the next level of punishment.

• Ban: This level of punishment is to acknowledge that the player has committed a severe offence, or several minor offences. These last for three (3) months (90 days) to up to six (6) months (180 days), the length is to be determined by the storyteller staff. During this period, the chronicle member is not allowed to vote. The chronicle member will not acquire any experience from Never Ending Nights, or apply experience to any of their Never Ending Nights PCs. They are not allowed to attend a Never Ending Nights game, or any other OWbN chronicles with any of their Never Ending Nights based PCs. If they are involved with an online scene, or actions with an OWbN coordinators office, those will be completed and the chronicle member will not be allowed to begin any new scenes till the Ban is completed. During this time any Never Ending Nights based PC’s that they have will be shelved for the duration of the ban. No direct harm can come to the PC during the duration of the shelving.

Visitors receiving a Ban will be asked not to return for three (3) months (90 days) to up to six (6) months (180 days), the length is to be determined by the storyteller staff.

If a chronicle member or visitor acquires three (3) or more Censures, be placed on Probation, or Banned again within a three (3) month period after completing their Ban, they will receive the next level of punishment.

• Permanent Ban: This level of punishment is to acknowledge that the player has committed a grievous offence, or several major or severe offences. The chronicle member is banned from Participating in any Never Ending Nights games or functions. The chronicle member’s PC is then given over to the Storyteller staff to control.

Visitor receiving a Permanent Ban will be asked not to return.

• OWbN Strike: this punishment is covered by the OWbN bylaws, and is enforced accordingly. This punishment is at the org level and maybe used in addition to any of the previously listed punishments.
If a chronicle member feels that a punishment is too harsh, or unwarranted, they can appeal the decision of the storyteller staff. They have one (1) week (7 days) in which to appeal the ruling. If they choose to appeal, they will meet with the storyteller and the Player Rep to discuss the matter. In the case of a visitor, that visitor’s story tellers will contact the Never Ending Nights storyteller staff to discuss the matter. After the discussion the storyteller staff have one (1) week (7 days) to decide to uphold the punishment, decrease the severity, or remove the punishment all together. In the cases of upholding the punishment, or decreasing the severity of the punishment, the effects of the punishment start on that date.

4.2 Offenses in Never Ending Nights
The following are a list of offenses in Never Ending Nights. Each entry consists of a description of the offense as well the typical punishment that is associated with the offense. As stated before, it is expected that some of these are common sense, but they are listed here for the sake of transparency and clarification. For easier clarification, the term “player(s)” will refer to any chronicle member or visitor that is portraying a PC and “storyteller(s)” are any member of the Never Ending Nights storyteller staff. The lists of offenses are as follows;
4.2.1 Disruption of Game play: This is a broad offense that covers a numerous smaller actions that interfere with the storytellers’ ability to smoothly run the game or the players’ enjoyment of the game. These include, but not limited to;
• Public harassment of a player or storyteller for OCC reasons. This includes action taken on public lists.
• Public displays of intoxication that disrupt game play.
• Continued arguing with players and/or storyteller staff concerning rules calls when asked to what till the scene is finished to continue the discussion. This includes arguing with a Narrator over an adjudicated call.
The typical punishments for these infractions are a Warning or Censure.
4.2.2 Cheating: This constitutes a malicious attempt to change the outcome of a scene, or players’ characters’ power level, through various means. These include, but not limited to;
• Adding/Using unearned experience to a character sheet.
• Adding/Using unpaid items to a character sheet that were not approved by a storyteller or a member of an OWbN coordinators office.
• Adding/Using items to a character sheet that were not approved by a storyteller or a member of an OWbN coordinators office.
• Using Out Of Character (OOC) knowledge in a scene or in other forms of communication.

The typical punishments for these infractions range from a Censure up to a Ban, depending on the severity of the infraction.
4.2.3 Illegal consumption of Alcohol/Drugs: This constitutes the taking of illegal drugs and underage drinking at the game site.
The typical punishments for these infractions range from a Ban up to a Permanent Ban, depending on the severity of the infraction.
4.2.4 Use/Threat of Physical force: This constitutes the use of physical force against a player or storyteller. These include, but not limited to;
• Physical violence against a player or storyteller.
• Threats of physical violence against a player or storyteller(s)
• Vandalism/destruction of any items at a game location.
The typical punishments for these infractions range from a Ban up to a Permanent Ban, depending on the severity of the infraction.
4.2.5 Theft: This constitutes the use theft of personal possession from players, storytellers, or the game site facilities.
The typical punishments for these infractions range from a Ban up to a Permanent Ban, depending on the severity of the infraction.

4.3 Overturning a Permanent Ban
A chronicle member or visitor may petition to have a Permanent Ban lifted. The banned party must wait till after a three (3) month (90 day) period has passed after the Permanent Ban was handed down.
The chronicle member contacts the Player Rep, and requests a review of the Permanent Ban and a request to be able to return to the chronicle. In the case of a visitor, that visitors home chronicle storyteller staff will contact the Never Ending Nights storyteller staff. The storyteller staff will then discuss the possibility of allowing the chronicle member or visitor to return to the game. After one (1) week of discussions, the storyteller staff will announce its decision.
If the ban is lifted, the following happens. In the case of a chronicle member, they are allowed to attend the next game after the decision is made. After a three (3) month (90 day) period, they will once again be able to be eligible to vote. In the case of a visitor, they will be allowed to attend an Never Ending Nights game. If the ban is not lifted, the chronicle member or visitor must wait for a period of three (3) months (90 days) till the can again petition for the Permanent Ban to be lifted.

5.0 Locations of Play
5.0 Locations of Play
The choosing of a site to play the chronicle can run at, and maintaining it, is the duty of the HST and ST(s). For a site to be acceptable, it must meet the following criteria;
• The site must be accessible to all chronicle members or visitors, within reason. This means that the site must allow for wheel chair bound and movement impaired individuals. The site also must allow individuals in that are within our age range.
• The site must have restroom facilities within a two (2) minute duration walk of the main site.
• Chronicle members or visitors must have free access to leave and enter the site unrestricted.
• Any caretakers for the site must know that the Chronicle is holding a game there. There is to be no squatting of a site.
• If there is to be a site fee for the location, it must be no more than five (5) dollars. If the site is being used for an event game, the fee can be increased for the event.
• If the site is in a public area, care must be taken not to interfere with other occupants of the area.

6. Experience Guidelines
6.0 Experience Guidelines
Experience points are earned in several different forms. The OWbN Bylaws state that a member of OWbN may only accrue eight (Cool experience points per month, per character. The bylaws also state that a new character may start with up to thirty (30) experience points. These can come from a deceased character to the new character, or through a history written for the new character. The following is the guidelines used in Never Ending Nights to determine these point amounts.

6.1 Starting Experience
As stated, a new character can only start with up to thirty (30) experience points. These are earned by one of two ways;
• A written character history: The amount of points earn from this will be determined by the storyteller staff. While there is not hard system for determining the points awarded, histories that rich with details and story will earn more experience points than one that is simply an outline of who the character is.
• Rollover XP: However many unspent experience points are left on a character once it permanently leaves play, up to thirty (30) points, can be spent on the new character.

The amount of experience earned from these two methods, can never exceed thirty (30) points.

6.2 Earned Experience
As stated above, chronicle members cannot earn more than eight (Cool experience points per month. Experience points can be earned by chronicle members in the following ways;
• Attendance: A chronicle member may earn two (2) experience points for attending a Never Ending Nights game. If both games are attended in the month the member receives one (1) additional experience point. They may receive one (1) experience point for attending other OWbN chronicle games; totaling no more than five (5) experience points from attendance. To earn these points, a chronicle member must sign into an OWbN chronicle game. If the game is not an Never Ending Nights game, a chronicle member must sign into that game and bring back a signed and stamped card that states they attended the game or have a member of its storyteller staff contact the Never Ending Nights staff to let them know of the chronicle member’s attendance.
• Costuming: A chronicle member may earn one (1) experience point for being in costume a month. To earn this point, a chronicle member must continuously wear something that would be considered synonymous with the character. This can range from makeup and prosthetics, to simply wearing the same coat and hat when playing that character.
• Downtime / Online Role-playing: A chronicle member may earn one (1) experience point a month for completing any one of the following: turning in a downtime log (at least one page in length), emailing a downtime log (300 word minimum), role-playing online via email correspondence (must be Cc’d to, role-playing online via the NEN forum at .
• Role-playing nomination: A chronicle member may earn one (1) experience point a month for being nominated for what another chronicle member or visitor would consider Role-playing beyond the average. To earn this point, a chronicle member must be nominated by a chronicle member or visitor.
• Storyteller Nomination: A chronicle member may earn one (1) experience point a month for being nominated by a Member of the Story teller staff for exceptional role-playing. To earn this point, a chronicle member must be nominated by a member of the Storyteller staff.
• Travelling: A chronicle member may earn one (1) experience point for attending an OWbN game at a chronicle that is Thirty (30) minutes or further away. To earn this point, a chronicle member must sign into that game and bring pack a signed and stamped card that states they attended the game or have a member of its storyteller staff contact the Never Ending Nights staff to let them know of the chronicle member’s attendance. If the player is based in Never Ending Nights, they must inform the ST staff of the location they live at currently.
The experience for visitors is handled by their home chronicle’s storyteller staff. At the end of the night, the Never Ending Nights storyteller staff will fill out a card for proof of attendance and to inform them of any other experience earned that night.

6.3 Spending Experience
A chronicle member is allowed to spend accrued experience points in the following formats;
• The chronicle member can log into the chronicle website and spend their experience. The system will then alert the storyteller staff of your buys.
• The chronicle member can send an email to the storyteller staff with their experience buys listed.

All experience purchases must be approved by the storyteller staff before they can be used in play.

7. Chronicle Member Characters
7.0 This section covers the administrative side of the record keeping with concerns to chronicle member’s characters. This does not include rules for character creation, as that is covered in the House Rules.

7.1 Active and Retired Characters
Chronicle members may only have on active character in play at a time. If a chronicle member wishes to play another PC, they must do the following;
• They must retire the current active character. This means the retired character cannot communicate with other characters, or participate in any scenes. If a character is retired, it becomes a Non Player Character (NPC) and property of the Never Ending Nights ST Staff. Also you cannot retire a PC to escape the consequences of your characters actions. If this is done, the chronicle member will be given the option of playing your character or it will be played in proxy by the Storyteller Staff.
• Transfer the Player’s current character to another OWbN chronicle. This is done by contacting the HSTs of both Never Ending Nights and the other OWbN chronicle and requesting a transfer. If both HSTs agree to the transfer, then that PC is now the new OWbN chronicles PC.
• Never Ending Nights players may maintain one (1) PC for Special Event purposes only. This PC cannot be played in a Never Ending Nights game. When the player wishes to play this PC, they must request permission from the ST staff to use this PC. This PC only earns experience at those special events. The Special event PC cannot interact with other OWbN PCs, except at the event or through downtime scenes directly continuing from the event. The special event PC is not allowed to interact with the Player’s Active PC. The active PC may not receive items crafted by the Special Event PC, or gain powers/ information from them.
7.2 Character Audits
Any member of the story teller staff may audit a chronicle member(s) character sheet at any time. This is done by comparing the character sheet on file with the on the chronicle member has on them. Discrepancy between the sheets may result in disciplinary action.

8. Revisions to the Charter and House Rules

8.0 Revision to the Charter
As noted in the “Duties of the HST” and “Duties of the ST”, it is those positions’ responsibility to write the changes to the Charter as the need arises. The HST and/or ST(s) will propose the change to Charter to the eligible voting chronicle members. After the announcement, there will be a discussion period during of week before the next game. At the next game after the announcement was made, the voting chronicle members will vote on the changes. If the vote for the revision of the Charter is successful, the changes will be made to the Charter as well as the following changes;
• On the front cover the date of the revisions, and the HST and/or ST(s) writing them, will be set under the author’s name/previous revisers’ name and date.
• The HST and/or ST(s) will update the Amended section to describe the changes that were made to each section of the charter.

8.1 Revision to the House Rules
As noted in the “Duties of the HST” and “Duties of the ST”, it is those positions’ responsibility to write the changes to the House Rules as the need arises. The HST and/or ST(s) will propose the change to the house rules to the eligible voting chronicle members. After the announcement, there will be a discussion period of two weeks before the next game. During the discussion period the players may voice their opinions of the changes to the house rules. At the next game after the announcement was made, the changes will be made to the House Rules as well as the following changes;
• On the front cover the date of the revisions, and the HST and/or ST(s) writing them, will be set under the author’s name/previous revisers’ name and date.
• The HST and/or ST(s) will update the Amended section to describe the changes that were made to each section of the charter.


Posts : 23
Join date : 2010-08-15

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